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Startup Toys Business! How to Import Toys from China

Case Study: Startup, How to Import Toys from China with Zero Experience?

Today, let me walk you through the intriguing story of an American buyer, with no prior buying experience, venturing into importing toys from China.


Alex, a seasoned marketing expert, runs his own company in the USA dealing primarily in hardware tools. Seeing a different potential, he decided to kickstart a new business venture dedicated to children’s toys for his wife’s sake. However, with no knowledge about Chinese toy factories and suppliers, Alex started his search for answers on Google.

Online Research and Discovery

Using search terms like “China toys wholesale”, “import toys from China”, and “China toys Sourcing”, he stumbled upon our website, TonySourcing. Taken in by the clear and informative introduction to toy products, markets, and factories, Alex reached out with an inquiry. And thus, our story began.

toys inquiry

On receiving Alex’s inquiry, we sent him a detailed introduction of our services. The links we sent still left Alex with a few queries, which led to a followed-up 20-minute call on WhatsApp to clarify further details.

“Hi Alex,


Thanks for your email.

Below, I will send you our server process and service charge.

Please check below the link:



Case study:

any question, please let me know.

The call revolved around Alex’s needs – a formal invitation letter for visa application and an elaboration on whether the array of toys at the China toys showroom matched his needs. Taking Alex’s specific situation into account, we planned his every visit day to China and the schedule for toy sample inspections.

With our assistance, Alex managed to get his reservations sorted for his hotel and travel. The anticipation for our first meet began.

The First Meeting

On arrival in China, Alex and his wife were greeted by our arranged shuttle service. After a 40-minute drive, we met at our office.


First, we extended a warm welcome to Alex and his wife. Next, we engaged Alex with an informative presentation.
Shantou toys meeting

Our comprehensive presentation offered rich insights into the Chinese toy industry, wholesale markets, and showrooms. It touched upon how to order from toy manufacturers and detailed the cost and process to import from China.

Starting Toy Exploration

Every first-time visitor at our toy showroom is flooded with a unified sentiment: “Wow! So many toys!”. The second thought usually is “Out of these, which toys should we buy?”. We usually arrange a quick overview of the entire showroom for our clients on their first day to gauge what sort of toys Shantou in China offers. This broad view helps them narrow down their choices to a specific category for a more detailed selection.

On the first day, we guided Alex and his wife around the large showroom, laying out the full range of products, so they started to form an idea. The following two days were dedicated to a more specialized visit to the future showroom. Ultimately, they selected over 100 interesting products from five million toy samples. Out of these, they chose 12 products for purchase.

china toys factory

The Second Meeting: Import Clarifications

With selections made, Alex was curious about how to import these toys back to the USA. As founder of TonySourcing, I gave Alex a direct “chalkboard lesson” – we talked about everything in the process, from Chinese customs export, shipping from China to the USA, to import at US customs. We discussed what method matched their requirements best, considering the factors of expense, convenience, and timeline. By the end of the conversation, Alex was content and placed his order!

TonySourcing office

Our manager Tracy immediately drafted an invoice for Alex’s approval. She also informed them that in 20 days, we would inspect the goods at the toy factory and commence shipment to the USA.


Alex’s journey to China turned out to be a memorable and joyful experience. He appreciated the vast array of toy products and the convenient ordering process. Below is an evaluation video about our service that he provided.

About TonySourcing

TonySourcing is an all-in-one sourcing company providing a visit and guide to the Chinese toy wholesale market for global buyers. Along with translation, negotiation, ordering, goods inspection, and inbound shipping to the buyer’s destination. If you, like Alex, plan to start up a toy business, feel free to contact us!

tonysourcing team with clients

Tony Chen

Tony Chen, the founder of & He is Professional merchandiser in China since 2011, Now he have quote a lot of Professional knowledge for all kind of Toys and Promos item.

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